10 Ways To Do A Spiritual Cleanse

10 easy ways to cleanse yourself

Here are 10 different options for spiritual cleanses:

  1. Smudging: Using a bundle of dried herbs such as sage, rosemary, lemongrass, mint or sticks such as cinnamon, palo santo, holy wood and so on burn it and allow the smoke to purify and cleanse the space and yourself.
  2. Salt Bath: Add sea salt, Himalayan Salt or Epsom salt to a bath and soak in it, allowing the salt to draw out negative energy and toxins from your body.
  3. Crystal Cleansing: Place your crystals in sunlight or moonlight to recharge and cleanse them.
  4. Sound Bath: Use Tibetan singing bowls or other sound healing instruments to create vibrations that will help clear any energy blockages.
  5. Mindful Breathing: Set aside time each day to practice deep breathing exercises, focusing on releasing any negative energy as you exhale.
  6. Grounding: Take a walk in nature, grounding yourself and connecting with the natural world around you.
  7. Visualization Meditation: Use guided meditations that focus on visualizing white light washing away negative energy and bringing in positive energy.
  8. Journaling: Write down any negative thoughts or emotions that you are holding onto and then release them by tearing up the paper or burning it.
  9. Chakra Balancing: Use yoga, meditation, or energy healing techniques to balance and align your chakras.
  10. Ritual Bath: Create a bath with herbs, oils, and candles that align with your intentions and soak in it, allowing the ingredients to work their magic on your body and spirit.