Capricorn Super Moon

3rd July 2023

Harnessing the Power of the Super Moon in Capricorn: Magic Rituals for Success

The celestial dance continues as we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the Super Moon in Capricorn.

This cosmic event offers a unique opportunity to harness the potent energy of the moon in the ambitious and determined sign of Capricorn. As the moon reaches its closest proximity to Earth, it amplifies our intentions and desires, making it an ideal time to focus on manifesting success in our lives. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the Super Moon in Capricorn and discuss magical rituals that can enhance our journey towards success.

Understanding the Super Moon in Capricorn:Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, represents ambition, discipline, and long-term goals. When the moon aligns with Capricorn during a Super Moon, it magnifies these energies, offering us a potent blend of determination, practicality, and resilience. This celestial event serves as a cosmic catalyst, encouraging us to take action towards our dreams and to navigate the path to success with unwavering focus.

Magic Rituals for Success:

  1. Setting Intentions: Begin by setting clear and specific intentions for your desired success. Write down your goals and aspirations on a piece of paper. Visualize yourself already achieving these goals and infuse the paper with your unwavering belief and energy. Place it under the light of the Super Moon, allowing its radiant energy to charge your intentions.
  2. Earth Connection: Capricorn is an earth sign, emphasizing the importance of grounding and stability. Connect with the earth element by spending time in nature or creating an altar with crystals like hematite, garnet, or citrine to enhance your grounding energy. Meditate and visualize your roots extending deep into the earth, anchoring you firmly to achieve your goals.
  3. Ritual Bath: Prepare a ritual bath infused with success-enhancing herbs such as bay leaves, chamomile, and cinnamon. As you soak in the warm water, imagine any doubts or fears being washed away, leaving space for unwavering confidence and determination to manifest success in your life.
  4. Candle Magic: Light a candle, preferably in colors associated with success, such as green or gold. As the flame flickers, visualize the light illuminating the path to your success. Write down affirmations or empowering statements related to your goals and success. Hold the paper close to the candle flame (without burning it) and allow the energy of the flame to infuse your intentions.
  5. Full Moon Release: Take a moment to reflect on any limiting beliefs, fears, or negative patterns that may be hindering your success. Write them down on a separate piece of paper, acknowledging their presence in your life. Then, in a symbolic act of release, burn the paper, watching as the flames transform these obstacles into ashes, freeing you from their grasp.

Conclusion: The Super Moon in Capricorn presents an auspicious time to align ourselves with the energy of success and achievement. By harnessing the power of rituals and connecting with the transformative energy of the moon, we can amplify our intentions and accelerate our journey towards success. Embrace the determination and resilience of Capricorn, and let the Super Moon guide you on a path of accomplishment and fulfillment. Remember, the universe supports your endeavors, and the time to claim your success is now.

Join Us For the candle magick and prayer ceremony on the powerful day.