Equinox Ceremony 21 March 2023

Join Us For The Manifestating Ceremony

Beloved seeker of magick and divinity, Welcome, to the Equinox new moon ceremony on the 21st March 2023. This is going to be a powerful event on this auspicious day.

I am honored to offer you the gift of candle magick and prayer ceremony, crafted with intention and imbued with the potent energies of herbs, flowers, and enchanted oils.

Each element carefully chosen, each flame flickering with purpose, I channel the transformative power of fire to bring forth your heart's deepest desires. Whether you seek manifestation, freedom, protection, banishment, or healing, I work with the forces of the universe to bring your wishes into being.

But know this: I do not dabble in love binding or any rituals that seek to interfere with the sacred balance of anyone’s karma. My aim is always to empower and liberate, never to enslave or harm, and never to override the free will and destiny of another.

So come, my dear one, and let us weave together a tapestry of fire, magick and prayer, aligning with the rhythm of the cosmos and invoking the blessings of the divine on this powerful day.

Why is this day auspicious?

The equinox represents a time of balance and harmony in nature, and many people believe that this energy can be harnessed to support their manifesting intentions.

One reason why the equinox is considered a powerful time for manifesting is because it represents a time of transition and change.

As the Sun journeys into Aries, the cosmos awakens with a powerful force of initiation. Aries, ruled by the fierce planet Mars, embodies the essence of passion, power, and action.

Its energy is potent and compelling, urging us to break through the barriers of our own resistance and embrace our goals with fervor. Mars is the planet to call upon when we need to overcome fear, doubt, and insecurity and take action towards our vision. As we enter this astrological new year, we align ourselves with the cycles of our potential and open ourselves up to the transformative power of change.

Let us embrace this fiery energy to create a brighter future, knowing that the intentions and actions we take at this time will be empowered by the bold energy of Aries and Mars. As the Equinox approaches, we are reminded of the balance and harmony that can be found in embracing the cycles of the cosmos and the power they hold.

How to participate

Purchase your candle via the link below and remember to write your petition, keep it short and to the point. On the 21st March 2023, your candle & petition will be part of the ceremony. After the event I will post videos online and email you a picture of your candle as proof of work.