How To Do Take A Spiritual Bath

How to do a spiritual cleanse

How to take a spiritual bath in 5 easy steps

  1. Infuse your water with intention: As you fill your bath, imbue the water with your intention. Visualize the water as a healing and purifying elixir, charged with the power of your intention. Add ingredients like herbs, essential oils, or crystals to amplify the energy of your bath.
  2. Create a sacred space: Surround yourself with the energy of the divine by creating a sacred space. Light candles, burn incense, and place crystals around your bathtub. Use these objects to invoke the spirits and deities that resonate with you.
  3. Set the mood with music: Play meditation or relaxing music that resonates with your soul. Let the vibrations of the music wash over you and carry you deeper into a state of relaxation and peace.
  4. Cleanse your aura: Before entering the bath, take a moment to cleanse your aura. Use a smudge stick, palo santo, or your breath to clear away any negative energy or blockages.
  5. Visualize the purification: As you soak in the bath, visualize the water washing away any negativity, stress, or pain. Imagine yourself being enveloped in a cocoon of light that purifies and uplifts your spirit. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the healing energy of the water, and emerge feeling renewed and revitalized.

As you prepare for a spiritual bath, let yourself be enveloped in a cloak of intention and reverence. This sacred ritual is an opportunity to cleanse not only your body, but your mind and spirit as well. Here are five mystical tips to enhance your experience:

There are many ways of doing spiritual cleanse. I will be sharing more cleansing options in future blogs.