Leo New Moon

16th August 2023

Leo New Moon

The New Moon in Leo on the 16th August 2023, brings forth a vibrant and creative energy that is well-suited for manifesting certain qualities and intentions. Leo is a fire sign associated with self-expression, confidence, creativity, and leadership. During the New Moon phase, when the moon is not visible in the sky, the energy is conducive to planting the seeds of new beginnings and setting intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle.

Here are some aspects you might consider focusing on attracting during the New Moon in Leo:

1. **Self-Confidence and Self-Expression:** Leo is ruled by the Sun and is known for its confident and self-assured nature. Use this time to boost your self-esteem, embrace your uniqueness, and find ways to authentically express yourself.

2. **Creativity and Artistic Pursuits:** The creative energy of Leo is perfect for launching or revitalizing artistic projects. Whether it's painting, writing, music, or any other form of creative expression, the New Moon in Leo supports your endeavors.

3. **Leadership and Personal Power:** Leo's energy encourages stepping into a leadership role and owning your personal power. Set intentions to develop your leadership skills and take charge of situations that align with your values.

4. **Romantic and Social Connections:** Leo is also associated with romance and social interactions. If you're seeking love or looking to strengthen your existing relationships, this is a favorable time to focus on matters of the heart.

5. **Playfulness and Enjoyment:** Leo loves to have fun and enjoy life. Use this time to engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it's hobbies, adventures, or spending quality time with loved ones.

6. **Recognition and Success:** Leo's desire for recognition aligns with goals related to career advancements or personal achievements. Set intentions for success and visibility in your professional pursuits.

7. **Generosity and Kindness:** Leo's big heart is drawn to acts of kindness and generosity. Use this time to cultivate a spirit of giving, whether it's through charitable activities or simply showing more compassion to those around you.

8. **Courage and Risk-Taking:** Leo's boldness encourages stepping out of your comfort zone and taking calculated risks. If there's something you've been hesitating to pursue, the New Moon in Leo can provide the courage you need.

As you set your intentions during the New Moon in Leo, remember to be specific and authentic about what you want to attract into your life. Write down your intentions, visualize your desired outcomes, and take action towards your goals throughout the lunar cycle. This is a time of new beginnings and fresh energy, so embrace the potential for growth, transformation, and positive change that the Leo New Moon offers.

**Join Me in the Candle Magic New Moon Ceremony**

In celebration of the New Moon in Leo, I'm hosting a candle magic new moon ceremony on the 16th August. This will be a sacred space where we come together to honor the moon's guidance and each other's love, power and courage. We will dive deep into the essence of the New Moon in Leo and unleash the power of our intentions.

May this New Moon in New illuminate your path, awaken your spirit, and lead you to a place of authenticity and connection. Let us embrace love and courage, for in doing so, we find strength and meaning in the dance of life.

With love and moonlit blessings