Manifesting With The Equinox

21 March 2023

Why Manifest With The Equinox New Moon

The equinox, which occurs twice a year, marks the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in equal periods of daylight and darkness. The equinox represents a time of balance and harmony in nature, and many people believe that this energy can be harnessed to support their manifesting intentions.

One reason why the equinox is considered a powerful time for manifesting is because it represents a time of transition and change. Just as the seasons are shifting and the days are getting longer or shorter depending on where you are in the world, you too can use this time to shift your energy and set new intentions for the upcoming season.

In addition, the equinox is often associated with themes of rebirth, growth, and renewal. As the earth begins to awaken from its winter slumber, it can be an ideal time to plant the seeds of new ideas and projects that you want to manifest in your life.

Furthermore, the equinox is a time when the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world is said to be thinner, making it easier to connect with higher realms of consciousness and tap into your intuition and inner wisdom.

Overall, the equinox is a potent time for manifesting because it aligns with the natural rhythms of the earth and provides a powerful opportunity to tap into the energy of transition, growth, and renewal.