Why We Do Not Manifest On The Solar Eclipse!

Time To Release & Purify

Alchemists do not use solar eclipses to manifest! Here Is why

🌓✨ In the realm of celestial alchemy, the Solar Eclipse is a potent elixir, a rare moment when the cosmic forces converge to whisper their secrets. To work this mystical alchemy, one must grasp the subtleties of the celestial dance and understand why, during this sacred event, the path of release and purification is favored over the path of manifestation. 🌓✨

🔮 **The Alchemy of Solar Eclipse:**

**1. The Cosmic Alignment:**

The Solar Eclipse is a cosmic alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, a moment when the mundane and the mystical intersect. It's a window to the hidden realms, a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. During this celestial ballet, the moon's shadow dances upon the earth, creating a sacred void in which we can perform alchemy.

**2. Banishing and Cord Cutting:**

The eclipse's energy lends itself beautifully to banishing work. It is a time to release the chains that bind us, the habits, fears, and attachments that no longer serve our higher purpose. Visualize the eclipse as a cosmic scissor, cutting the cords that tether us to the past. This is the alchemy of freedom, the dissolution of the old to make way for the new.

**3. Spiritual Cleansing:**

As the Moon's shadow shrouds the Sun, it symbolizes the veiling of illusions. It's a metaphorical cleansing, a purification of the soul. Engage in spiritual cleansing rituals such as smudging, bathing, or energy clearing. Use the eclipse's unique energy to shed the layers of impurity that cloud your inner light.

**4. The Art of Letting Go:**

Manifestation is a powerful alchemical art, but the Solar Eclipse is not the ideal time for this work. Instead, it is a moment to gracefully let go. Think of it as alchemical spring cleaning for the spirit. Release thoughts, relationships, or possessions that hinder your growth. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you emerge anew.


Why is it not the best time for manifestation? Because the Solar Eclipse is a time to harness the shadow's energy, the eclipse's transformative power, to clear away the debris that hinders your manifestations. You make space for your dreams by releasing what no longer serves, ensuring that your manifestations have fertile soil to flourish.

So, in the mystical realm of Solar Eclipse alchemy, remember to embrace the art of release, purification, and transformation. As the moon veils the sun, allow it to unveil your true self, luminous and unburdened, ready to embrace the magic of new beginnings. 🌓🌟🌗

✨🕊️ Remember, we have our solar eclipse ritual happening on the 14th October, please urgently reserve your space now to avoid disappointment as space a limited!